China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-07-30

in #china4 years ago

English news:

Hong Kong students arrested under national security law

"The students were former members of or had links to Studentlocalism, a pro-independence youth group. It was disbanded in June before the new security law came into force and said it would continue to campaign from abroad"

--- & so the mainlandisation of HK continues.
cf.: 4 ex-members of pro-independence student group arrested on suspicion of ‘inciting secession’ under Hong Kong’s security law

Hong Kong property tycoon pitches new city idea to Ireland

"Hong Kong property tycoon wants to build a city in Ireland to host 50,000 emigrants
[...] Ko’s original pitch [...] envisaged an autonomous city for 500,000 Hongkongers over 500 sq km"

--- Interesting idea, although 500,000 would be a bit much (& dubious that so many Hongkongers would want to live there). 50,000 is more realistic. Preferrable would be a more integrated approach, I think.

Vatican allegedly hacked by China ahead of key talks

"The attacks continued at least through July 21. They included an apparent phishing attempt with a document on Vatican Secretariat of State letterhead directed to the head of the Hong Kong Study Mission to China"

--- Will the pope learn from this or will he continue his appeasement?
cf.: A report says China is suspected of hacking the Vatican. Here's why

Russia may be withholding missile deliveries to China

"Moscow has also reportedly bridled at Beijing’s covert copying and drive to ratchet up indigenous research and development of key defense parts and technologies to ease its reliance on Russian products"

--- Most of the article is mere speculation, but it wouldn't surprise if Russia finally wakes up to the risks of China copying Russian technology.

Did India attack China by proxy in Pakistan?

"Since 2017, however, the BLA has targeted China’s budding strategic interests in Pakistan, including the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor project"

--- More speculation from Asia Times, but interesting. Could be quite a mess, if the situation between China & India deteriorates.

Chinese banks urged to switch away from SWIFT as U.S. sanctions loom

"A good punch to the enemy will save yourself from hundreds of punches from your enemies"

--- Well, that at least makes clear that the Chinese regime sees the USA as an enemy.

"if the United States were to take the extreme action of cutting off some Chinese banks’ access to dollar settlements, China should also consider stopping using the U.S. dollar as the anchor currency for its foreign exchange controls"

--- I doubt that this would do the Chinese economy any good.

China’s President Xi Jinping reiterates his support for multilateral cooperation

"Let us stay open and inclusive and make the AIIB a new paradigm of multilateral cooperation"

--- Translation: Other countries should stay open & the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank should be a Chinese instrument for gaining influence.

--- Other news:

Five Eyes alliance could expand in scope to counteract China

Australia to step up South China Sea defence cooperation with US – but won't commit to patrols

Japan's air force faces a 'relentless' burden, imposed by China

Coronavirus: Hong Kong on verge of 'large-scale' outbreak, says Carrie Lam

Video News:

--- China Uncensored: "Pompeo: "Distrust and Verify:" A New Era of US China Relations?"

--- CNA Insider: "The Impact Of Hong Kong's New Security Law"

--- WION: "Gravitas: Tiktok's growing trouble"

--- Hoover Institution: "Telling China’s Story: The Chinese Communist Party’s Campaign To Shape Global Narratives"

Deutsche Nachrichten:

China nimmt erstmals Aktivisten nach neuem Sicherheitsgesetz fest

"Alle Festgenommenen sind zwischen 16 und 21 Jahre alt. [...] sie hätten im Internet für eine "Nation Hongkong" geworben"

--- Ungeheuer gefährlich Terroristen, ganz offenbar.

China wirft EU „Einmischung in innere Angelegenheiten“ vor

"„Hongkong ist allein eine innere Angelegenheit Chinas“, sagte der Sprecher."

--- Dann ist doch alles in Ordnung. Die EU passt die Regeln für HK an die Regeln für China an.

Chinesischer Hackerangriff auf Vatikan

"Der Vatikan bemüht sich seit längerem um eine diplomatische Annäherung an China."

--- Ob der Papst jetzt aufwacht?

Warum sich Deutschland gerade jetzt für eine Aufnahme Taiwans in die WHO einsetzen sollte

"Unter Art. 16 "HK Nationales Sicherheitsgesetz" errichtet China Hongkongs neuen Geheimdienst [...] Nach Art. 60, 61 kann die Hongkonger Polizei diesen nicht behindern, kontrollieren oder durchsuchen, und lokale Gerichte nicht über ihn urteilen"

--- Die Gestapo ist auferstanden.

"Nach über 70 Jahren faktischer Unabhängigkeit ist Taiwan reif für die Anerkennung."

--- Interessant, daß das vom sonst eher chinafreundlichen Telepolis kommt. Ist aber auch nicht der übliche Schreiberling.


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