China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-07-29

in #china4 years ago

English news:

China halts Hong Kong extradition treaties with Canada, Australia and UK

"accusing the countries of having used the national security law as “an excuse to unilaterally announce the suspension of extradition treaties” with Hong Kong"

--- Yeah, how dare you do something without asking China for permission!?

New Zealand suspends extradition treaty with Hong Kong

"the country will treat military and dual-use goods and technology exports to Hong Kong in the same way as it treats such exports to China"

--- Germany, on the other hand, is still undecided about revoking the extradition treaty.

Benny Tai: Hong Kong university fires professor who led protests

"Last year, a court sentenced him to 16 months in prison for his role.
He was granted bail in August, pending an appeal."

--- So, why now this decision? Perhaps because feeling emboldened by the national security law?
cf.: ‘End of academic freedom’: University of Hong Kong to fire pro-democracy activist and law prof. Benny Tai

"It also comes amid local media reports that elections to Hong Kong's parliament - the Legislative Council - could be postponed by a year."

--- Only because of the Wuhan virus, of course, absolutely unrelated to commie parties polling below 20%.

Meng Wanzhou lawyers say documents will prove Canada plotted with FBI

"Lawyers for the Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou have demanded the release of unredacted Canadian spy service documents they say would reveal a plot between the FBI and Canada to “trick” their client."

--- How dare law enforcement agencies work together to apprehend a wanted criminal (suspect)? That is unheard of!

Activists are urging big brands to eradicate traces of human rights abuse in Xinjiang from their supply chains

"companies will have to increase their ability to track their suppliers down to raw materials"

--- Could be particularly hard for textile producers, because much of Chinese cotton is from Xinjiang.

Chinese supplier of Australian train parts accused of using Uighur labour vows to fight US blacklisting

"KTK has stridently denied the allegations, saying it was added to the blacklist in the absence of any proof."

--- But:

"The report says that in July last year, 41 Uighur workers were transferred to KTK Group in Changzhou, citing a local media report."

--- Too bad when your commie media snitch on you.

"“KTK Group has never been involved in the employment of any forced labour and the company has never employed any people of Uyghur ethnicity,”"

--- Sounds like racism in itself. Anyway, there are not only Uighurs in the concentration camps, but also Kazakhs & Turkmens, perhaps other Muslim minorities as well.

Rite Aid deployed facial recognition systems in hundreds of U.S. stores

"state-of-the-art facial recognition technology from a company with links to China and its authoritarian government
[...] Reuters found no evidence that Rite Aid’s data was sent to China"

--- Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. If the software comes from China, you can almost bet that there will be a backdoor that allows data to be sent to China.
Which would be very useful for training facial recognition systems, since China is largely made up of East Asians.

"Stores in more impoverished areas were nearly three times as likely as those in richer areas to have facial recognition cameras"

--- As usual nowadays in US media, they try to play the race card. But it's quite logical to have more security in areas with higher crime rates. & that's the case in 'impoverished' areas. Add to that the fact that many black Americans are poor & you see that there is no racism involved.

"a firm in China whose largest outside investor is a Chinese government fund"

--- That's probably the most important info in this article. This makes it almost certain that somehow data was channelled to China.

Row at Arm China deepens as staff allege UK parent interfered with contracts

"Arm China is co-owned by Arm Ltd - a unit of Japan’s SoftBank Group (9984.T) and one of the global chip industry’s major suppliers - and Chinese private equity firm Hopu Investments"

--- The risks of doing business in China ... not necessarily CCP-related.

China's consulates do a lot more than spy

"The Chinese government has long used its embassy and consulates in the U.S. to exert control over student groups, collect information on Uighurs and Chinese dissident groups, and coordinate local and state level political influence activities"

--- May all have played along in the decision to close the Houston consulate.

Video News:

--- Sky News (AUS): "Beijing’s South China Sea reaction ‘doesn’t correspond with reality’"

Deutsche Nachrichten:

"Zeichen der Solidarität" mit Hongkong

"Nationale Auslieferungsprogramme sollen außerdem geprüft und der Dialog mit der Hongkonger Zivilgesellschaft gestärkt werden"

--- Sollen geprüft werden. Ach, diese Konsequenz, dieses herzhafte Durchgreifen. Sowas schafft nur die EU (& Deutschland).

"Zudem soll es einen einfacheren EU-Schutz für Aktivisten geben, die sich politisch verfolgt fühlen"

--- Immerhin etwas. Mal sehen, wie das realisiert wird.

Chinas Kampf gegen „das Böse“

" reicht in das vergangene Jahr zurück, als er wegen „Störung der öffentlichen Ordnung“ und Aufruf zu derselben zu 16 Monaten Haft verurteilt wurde. Der Professor hat gegen das Urteil Berufung eingelegt und wurde gegen Kaution auf freien Fuß gesetzt"

--- Kommt offensichtlich rein zufällig kurz nach Inkrafttreten des Staatssicherheitsgesetzes.

"Anders als in den Universitäten auf dem chinesischen Festland wird akademische Freiheit in den Hongkonger Universitäten groß geschrieben."

--- War einmal.

"Laut unbestätigten Medienberichten erwägt die Hongkonger Regierung eine Verschiebung der Wahl – um mindestens ein Jahr"

--- Natürlich nur wegen des Wuhanvirus. Hat überhaupt nichs mit Umfrageergebnissen von unter 20% für das Kommi-Lager zu tun.

Konkurrent? Gegner? Feind?

"China [...] trägt den Stolz und die Herablassung der ältesten Zivilisation dieser Erde mit sich herum."

--- Quark. Das hätte man in China gerne. Aber diverse andere Zivilisationen sind älter.

"Eine "Schicksalsgemeinschaft der Menschheit" will [Kaiser Xi] aufbauen – was viele an den alten Begriff tianxia erinnert, der den chinesischen Herrschaftsanspruch über "alles unter dem Himmel" bezeichnete"

--- Als älteste Zivilisation wäre auch nichts anderes angemessen. Pax sinica.

Japan will Firmen aus China abziehen

"Mit 1,5 Millionen waren etwa ein Viertel aller im Ausland arbeitenden Japaner in China beschäftigt"

--- Telepolisqualität. In China leben eher so um die 120.000 Japaner, plus ca. 25.000 in Hongkong. Sollte eigentlich jedem klar sein, der sich mit China beschäftigt, da es wohl insgesamt nicht mal 1 Mio. Expats in China gibt.