China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-07-23

in #china4 years ago

English news:

China-US row: Fugitive researcher 'hiding in San Francisco consulate'

"during an interview with FBI agents last month she said she had not served in the Chinese military
[...] on June 20, 2020, Tang went to the Chinese consulate in San Francisco, where the FBI assesses she has remained"

--- That might be a motive (or at least part of the reason) for the closure of the consulate. More about this 'cancer researcher': U.S. charges Chinese researcher with lying, as tensions rise

CNN meanwhile, in its usual anti-Trump manner, tries to play up the dangers of closing the consulate: US move to shut China's Houston consulate draws questions about political motives
Also here (particularly the last chapter): China harboring military-linked fugitive scientist at San Francisco consulate, FBI says

US arrests three Chinese nationals for visa fraud

"FBI agents have also interviewed people in 25 US cities who have an "undeclared affiliation" with China's military"

--- Good on them. I wonder when European institutions will wake up & investigate...

Mysterious seeds sent from China to Utah

"they are bad seeds, they are invasive"

--- Beginning of a Chinese invasion?

China's Tianwen-1 Mars rover rockets away from Earth

"Their space agency was only formed in 1993, and yet here they are, less than 30 years later, sending an orbiter, a lander and a rover to Mars"

--- This is the stupid science reporting we get nowadays.
Let's see: The NASA was formed in 1949, & yet there they were, less than 30 years later, sending an orbiter & a lander to Mars.
& all that with a lot less advanced technology than today.

Unmasking China's invisible fleet

"when South Korean Coast Guard authorities have boarded and inspected some of the ships [...] the Chinese captains have presented fishing permits signed by North Korean authorities"

--- Of course, totally in compliance with sanctions agains NK.
(Interesting that the NK regime sells fishing rights to China, while at the same time demanding higher catches from its own fishermen. Who then have to venture illegally into Russian waters because closer to home, the Chinese have emptied the seas.)

"The country's commercial fishermen often serve as de-facto paramilitary personnel whose activities the Chinese government can use to further its geopolitical aims."

--- Cannot be repeated too often.

Why is Xi Jinping pitting China against the world?

"Xi Jinping conveyed confidence! Confidence! Nevertheless, confidence!"

--- Emperor Xi was confident! He showed confidence! What a confident leader! When Emperor Xi is confident, all Chinese are confident! Could there be a lack of confidence with a confident leader like confident emperor Xi? China is all confidence!

"It is hard not to feel like we have been given a preview of what sole Chinese global leadership would look like"

--- Over-confident, it seems.

The cost of friendship with China

"The question today is no longer about what it means to be a friend of China [... but ...] what does it mean for China to be friends with other countries?"

--- Easy answer: Emperor Xi doesn't want friends, he wants vassals.

--- Economy news:

China's Star market aims to take on the Nasdaq

"The conditions are very attractive and would definitely make the Star Market a worthy rival of the Nasdaq
[...] A major factor is that the Star market’s listing requirements "are less stringent as compared to the Nasdaq""

--- & that is supposed to attract more investors?
Just helps to re-enforce the fact that Chinese stock markets are for gamblers only.

'Virtually entire' fashion industry complicit in Uighur forced labour, say rights groups

"Global fashion brands source so extensively from Xinjiang that the coalition estimates it is “virtually certain” that as many as one in five cotton products sold across the world are tainted with forced labour"

--- Good that I haven't bought any clothes in more than a year.
Related: Apple and Nike urged to cut 'China Uighur ties'

China’s sex toy makers in growth spurt, as coronavirus lockdowns fuel global appetite


--- Other news:

South China Sea: Australian warships encounter Chinese navy in disputed waters

Taiwan's parliament approves proposal to rename China Airlines

China to launch new campaign to regulate social media news sites

Stealth UAVs Could Give China’s Type-076 Assault Carrier More Firepower

China appears to demote Premier League football broadcasts

Video News:

--- PBS Newshour: "Why the U.S. ordered Chinese consulate closed -- and what it means for foreign policy"

--- CNN: "China harboring military-linked fugitive scientist at San Francisco consulate, FBI says"

--- ABC News: "Hong Kong’s reality under new national security law"

--- Heritage Foundation (audio only): "America Finally Standing Up to China's Bad Behavior"

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Allianz gegen Peking?

"Um etwas zu erreichen, müsste es in der Tat eine Allianz Gleichgesinnter geben. Washingtons Partner wären vermutlich dazu bereit. Allein, man weiß bei diesem Präsidenten nie, wann der die nächste abrupte Wende vollzieht."

--- Ist auch fraglich, ob der Trumpel wirklich an Allianzen interessiert ist. Würde mich nicht wundern, wenn das ausschließlich von Pompeo ausging.

Wie das "Sicherheitsgesetz" Hongkong verändert

"Herauszufinden, wo die neuen roten Linien verlaufen, ohne sie zu überschreiten – das sei nun eine der größten Herausfoderungen für Medienschaffende in der Finanzmetropole"

--- Funktioniert nicht, weil die Kommis die roten Linien nach Belieben verschieben werden.

Chinas Greta Thunberg muss sich zwischen Schule und Klima entscheiden

"auch nach einem Jahr globaler Klimastreikbewegung habe sie in China kaum Mitstreiter"

--- Zu ihrem Glück: Wenn sie erfolgreich wäre, & eine Bewegung ins Leben rufen könnte, wäre sie auch sehr schnell im Knast.

"Xi Jinping hat Umweltschutz zu einer hohen Priorität erklärt, investiert in erneuerbare Energien, will die Abhängigkeit von Kohle reduzieren."

--- Sicher doch. Deswegen läßt er auch noch unzählige Kohlekraftwerke neu bauen.

"Meine Situation ist besser als diejenige meiner Mitstreiterinnen aus Singapur oder Ägypten"

--- Nur solange Du erfolglos bleibst.

Die Mandarine von Oxford

"Die britischen Hochschulen stehen jetzt vor dem Dilemma, sich China gegenüber weiter zu öffnen, um dringend benötigte Forschungsgelder und Studenten zu gewinnen, ohne das Prinzip der akademischen Freiheit zu gefährden."

--- Das Problem ist wohl eher, wie sie sich China etwas stärker verschließen können, ohne allzuviel Geld zu verlieren.

China startet erste Mars-Mission

"Mit solch einer umfassenden Marslandemission, mit den drei Komponenten, sind wir weltweit die ersten."

--- Sicher doch. China war ja auch als erstes im All, & der Mond gehört seit Anbeginn der Zeiten zu China.


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