Bitcoin actually has some dry powder now to move up with

in #bitcoin4 years ago

Bitcoin basically broke everything no one wanted to see it break yesterday

Does that mean that it may actually do what everyone was expecting it to do now though?

Everyone and their cat has been expecting bitcoin to take off prior to the halving.

Some even calling for new highs prior to it.

I never fell for that line of thinking as it didn't line up with the previous halving patterns.

However, now that bitcoin broke the long term uptrend line, it broke the $6k support, it fell by 70% from it's recent highs, can it still go up?

Even the stock to flow is now below the model line:


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I would actually venture to guess that bitcoin might have a higher likelihood of going up now.

The shorts are piled in.

The longs are on the sidelines

Now we have all kinds of powder ready to push bitcoin up.

We were lacking that powder when we were drifting sideways around $10k.