
in #rsslog4 years ago (edited)



Part of this is due to many having their votes set to do so using a bot. I wonder at times how much content is actually read that has votes.

Another aspect is many like myself, who have little SP in the scheme of things, and this limits how much voting we have at our disposal. I vote for your posts sometimes, but I find I often have to leave some posts unvoted. Especially if I interact with some (as I am here) and they reply. I usually vote replies despite it burning the vote for being dust.

I appreciate your conduct here, and at times am smart enough to understand the topics you cover. Understand if it becomes to much, but sometimes my lack of vote is not due to disinterest or ignorance on the topic at hand.

Part of this is due to many having their votes set to do so using a bot. I wonder at times how much content is actually read that has votes.

Thanks for the reply! You're right on both points, especially the one excerpted. Much of my own voting power runs on autopilot, too, so I have no grounds to complain. Although, I do try to keep an eye on my bot and have the rules up to date so that my votes are distributed to diverse authors and valuable topics.

My point in posting isn't to gripe about the rewards, though. That's just how the game works here. In this post, I just wanted to do some extra post and idea promotion. I've never really been much of a marketing person, but for Steem to grow out of the doldrums, I think we all need to pick up a little bit of that skill. It doesn't do much good for anyone if I put a bunch of thought into the design of these posts and then keep it all to myself.


Thank you for your informative post. You listed some principles that I did not follow. At this time, I mainly write about energy production. I don't have many popular topics left, so I'll be moving on to another category soon.

Principle 2 presents a challenge as the more unpopular forms of power are difficult to research. Due to the lack of popularity, it is difficult to validate a lot of the information, so it takes longer. I'm working on ways to speed things up with services like Google Alert and make the information more relevant.

Another issue I go through with meeting the intent of Principle 2 is the dates of information during my research. When writing about coal power, for instance, there isn't that much information posted daily.

You've also listed a couple of other things I don't do when writing: Social media, collaboration, etc. I haven't thought about those yet, so I'll work to incorporate them.

I find that it has been challenging to start out blogging AND find the recognition needed to build a following. Thanks to your post, however, I believe I will find it a bit easier to get started.

Thanks again.


Thanks for the reply! I'm glad you found the post to be informative.

I think that principle #2 probably isn't necessary for all topics. Your idea to use google alerts is a good one, though. I use RSS feeds to get current content, but Google Alerts would also let you get information from sites on the Internet that don't publish RSS feeds.

No thanks are necessary, friend. It is quite refreshing to read a post with a methodical approach towards achieving a goal. I just reformatted my Twitter account to include my Steem Username and I started using APPICS.

I find using Google Alerts is useful for the most up-to-date searches on popular items. However, it doesn't work for everything. Searching for the phrase "neutron life cycle" doesn't return as many results as "Faith in Humanity". I would expect the neutron life cycle to be on everyone's mind, but alas the world doesn't bend to my ideals lol.

Google isn't the only search engine out there. I'm sure the others fulfill a similar service.

As a regular reader and occasional commenter on the @remlaps-lite blog, I must affirm that I find your design of the blog achieves many of the goals for it you have stated here. I can scan the opening paragraph and grasp the topics treated therein. If I have no particular interest in them, I could simply move on, but I have not done so yet, mostly because I feel a sense of loyalty to you and your consistent work to produce the blog, even if our interests don't dovetail perfectly.

I can then move on to the summaries, which include links and even video betimes. On those matters I have little interest in, I simply move on to the next. Sometimes I follow the links and dive into the material because I am very interested in the topic. From time to time I comment on the issues, and I confirm you certainly do upvote comments that show your post has been read. Further, you substantively engage as well, which indicates you're not just cranking out a blog as a tactic to gain market, but that you're undertaking social interaction through that blog with the wide, wide world, which I consider the miraculous benefit of social media: turning us all into neighbors that can chat over the fence.

Overall, I find your blog well designed to minimize wasting my attention on matters in which I have little specific interest, while presenting matters in which you do, and where our interests dovetail, we are then well enabled to engage substantively therein. I would agree with you that the format you have developed here would be well duplicated by other content creators who wish to present multiple links daily in a given area, or on a suite of topics.

It is one of the posts I look most forward to reading each day, and I hope nothing prevents you continuing to do so for the foreseeable future.


Thank you for the feedback! I greatly appreciate the confirmation that, from your perspective, some of the things that I designed into it for the benefit of the reader are working as intended.

I definitely enjoy creating these blogs every day and I learn a lot from them. I also enjoy the conversations that we have had on a variety of topics that were covered. I often find that I learn as much from your comments and subsequent discussions as I do from the links themselves.

I agree with you about the benefit of social media, and I like the comparison you make to neighbors chatting across the fence. That's a really good analogy.

Shared on Twitter, here. #posh